
A Spring Morning Thought

A Spring Morning Thought

Long before humans and still today

Quietly embracing a new Spring day

The rising Sun plays hide and seek

Many different birds gather on the ground

Where seeds have been offered In honor of their wonderful presence

Charlie Riverman Bergeron 4.29.24


The Light Of Our Heart


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The Light Of Our Heart 

 In these days of personal confusion and global suffering, programming challenges all human minds and creates a field of negative energy within each of us.

The word programming is relatively new, dating back to the late 1800s, from the Greek word ‘programma’, which means a public notice.

We are now being flooded with information from global sources with very selfish agendas, which creates confusion about the truth of any situation and divides us.

The Divine Light of our Hearts has been buried deep within us but cannot be destroyed.

We have been misled to not look within ourselves to resolve our confusion.

Charlie Riverman Bergeron 3.8.24

Excerpts from Saint Germain On The I AM The Light Of The Heart 

 “Your heart is one of the choicest gifts of God. Within it there is a central chamber surrounded by a forcefield of such Light and protection that we call it a “cosmic interval”.

“This central chamber, called the altar of the heart, is thus the connecting point of the mighty silver cord of light that descends from your God Presence to sustain the beating of your physical heart, giving you life, purpose, and cosmic integration.”

“I give you my never-ending promise to assist you to find your immortal freedom as you determine never to give up and never to turn back.
Remember that as long as you face the Light, the shadows are always behind. And the Light is there, too, to transmute them all.”

Complete Writing from The Summit Lighthouse Below the Video

Saint Germain On The I AM The Light Of The Heart Decree
The Summit Lighthouse

Your heart is one of the choicest gifts of God. Within it there is a central chamber surrounded by a forcefield of such light and protection that we call it a “cosmic interval.”

It is a chamber separated from Matter and no probing could ever discover it. It occupies simultaneously not only the third and fourth dimensions but also other dimensions unknown to man. This central chamber, called the altar of the heart, is thus the connecting point of the mighty silver cord of light that descends from your God Presence to sustain the beating of your physical heart, giving you life, purpose, and cosmic integration.

I urge all men to treasure this point of contact that they have with Life by giving conscious recognition to it.

You do not need to understand by sophisticated language or scientific postulation the how, why, and wherefore of this activity. Be content to know that God is there and that within you there is a point of contact with the Divine, a spark of fire from the Creator’s own heart called the threefold flame of Life. There it burns as the triune essence of Love, Wisdom, and Power.

Each acknowledgment paid daily to the flame within your heart will amplify the power and illumination of Love within your being. Each such attention will produce a new sense of dimension for you, if not outwardly apparent then subconsciously manifest within the folds of your inner thoughts.

Neglect not, then, your heart as the altar of God. Neglect it not as the sun of your manifest being. Draw from God the power of Love and amplify it within your heart. Then send it out into the world at large as the bulwark of that which shall overcome the darkness of the planet.

With this gift of infinite freedom, I give you my never-ending promise to assist you to find your immortal freedom as you determine never to give up and never to turn back.

Remember that as long as you face the Light, the shadows are always behind. And the Light is there, too, to transmute them all. Keep your gaze toward ‘the City’ and be not overcome of evil but overcome evil with good.


Snow Moon 2024 Thoughts


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Snow Moon 2024 Thoughts

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.” — Buddha

The Snow Moon symbolizes purity, renewal, and the transition from winter soul-searching to Spring’s brightness, inviting humans and all of Nature to focus on new beginnings.

It opens the 222 gateways to Spring, and we are looking forward to a feeling of hope and planning, which most feel like an awakening.

222 represents our forward movement with peaceful balance, faith, and trust. We are creating a point of change where we will begin unifying and balancing polarities.

Other keywords to remember are harmony, vision, and spirit, which assist us in standing firm for the benefit of all.

Let us join as One Family of Peace, Light, and Love by practicing unconditional love towards ourselves and each other.

Our restoration task starts with the conscious recalibration and stabilization needed to repair the Masculine damage that brought forth the global crisis we are now experiencing.

Unifying and balancing our inner polarity requires us to be in a receptive state where we can become conscious within our hearts. It is there that we can cease unconscious or programmed behavior.

We are multidimensional beings living in an infinitely vast and ever-changing cosmos.

We are also more deeply connected with the sacredness of the Earth, the wisdom of our bodies, and the healing power of Nature.

By remembering who we are and our mission, revealing the truth behind all beliefs, and becoming more balanced, we can cease unconscious or programmed behaviors and be more receptive.

Our Love-based reactions need positive energy, like clean water, and the kind and loving seeds we sow today will grow into a powerful and beautiful reality that will blossom in the future.

Charlie Riverman Bergeron 2.25.24

Questions to ask ourselves – Source Unknown

What is our heart, body, and soul telling us?

Where are we ready for more love, peace, and joy?

What old beliefs, wounds, or fears are holding us back?

Where do we need to clarify our limits, boundaries, and priorities?

Where do we need to let go of shame, blame, guilt, and resentment?

Where do we need to take a leap of faith and act on our inner guidance?


Dawning Of A New Age


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The Dawning Of A New Age

The numbers 2112 in today’s date and the rising Sun have a message for us all.

Those numbers inspire great hope as we welcome a new dimension in which government is about balance and harmony.

We are rebirthing, and as many changes begin to occur that make us question everything, our hearts will show us a better way to end all of the created distortions.

Opening this gateway requires a personal sense of responsibility that will realign us all to stop serving the false rulers, who are revealed as the actual cause of Mother Earth’s pain and suffering.

Many of you already know this and are receiving many changes to assist you in choosing your future path and guiding us through the beginning of this shift.

We will also assist future generations as catalysts in teaching what is needed for transformation via Peace, Light, and Love.

Power and greed will no longer be effective; new keys to open opportunities will bring us a new collective understanding.

All of this may sound like a dream or fantasy, yet if we each let go of our past and watch for new opportunities to arise, we can assist each other with kindness and an open Heart to future generations.

Each step forward leads us to influence better living conditions for all life here, both on and within Mother Earth.

May we all join hearts and send Love to Everyone for a safe balance and an abundance of confidence and optimism.

Charlie Riverman Bergeron 2.11.24

Live @ Humanity Healing 2.11.24


Unlimited Abundance Within


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Unlimited Abundance Within

We may not think about inner abundance very often. We take it for granted without any focus or gratitude. Let us awaken from the dreamscape we have created around riches and remember that practicing our inner unlimitedness, to evolve in peace is critical.

Our game of following the leader has caused distortion and disturbance around the entire surface of Mother Earth.

Her ability to sustain all living presence is weakening, and she is speaking to all of us to awaken and return to our hearts to maintain the future. We must also focus on what is in our hearts rather than what is being broadcast into our brains.

The Heart is the control center of our existence in this physical body, in the third dimension. Honoring this wealth within us is more precious than material possessions for future generations.

Our game of following the leader has brought us to this distortion and disturbance around the entire surface of Mother Earth, whose ability to sustain all living presence is weakening, and she is speaking to all of us to awaken and return to our hearts to maintain the future.

So let us now open our hearts…

Let us also appear with a deep desire

and listen to the Messengers of Saving Grace

trusting in our Unlimited Abundance through Grace

so that we also may understand better

how we can “Practice Unlimitedness”

in all aspects of our daily lives

as we co-create Balance and Harmony

in this world of physical form, we are living in

and receive All the Blessings of Peace, Light, and Love

Sending Grace to you All, and Thank You for your presence.

Charlie Riverman Bergeron 1.28.24




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Your Soul is your Divine Essence.

Your Soul is a place of Safety.

Your Soul is your True Self.

As humans, we are a fantastic body of water, far more than what we have been taught for thousands of years.

We are genuinely missing our complete connection to Our Sacred Self.

Within our amazing physical body, we are directly connected to our Soul Self, which I often call the ‘Source Of Unconditional Love.’

Our connection to our Divine Blueprint is through the Heart, through which we receive communication with our Creator.

It is where we communicate all forms of Divine Presence in a Sanctuary without limitations or judgment.

The awareness of this Sacred Connection is critical to our human understanding as we move forward in our evolution.

In this sanctuary, we begin to recognize how precious and wise we are without being ridiculed or denied, for there is no judgment here. There are no limitations or criticisms to interfere with or deny who we indeed are, living simultaneously in many dimensions.

This Field of Light is peaceful beyond our human ability to understand it because it has no physicality to distort us, and it is here we can let go of our physical suffering in a safe and loving energy field.

This powerful calmness, truth, peace, love, joy, and the reminder that your Soul is incarnate upon the Earth offers the ability to live it in your human form without fear.

Charlie Riverman Bergeron 1-21-23




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A Personal Note from Charlie Riverman,
It is a joy to present this invitation to each of you to join us in a field of magnificent healing energy without limitations. Sacred Evolutionary Dowsing gathers within a field as a group of 12 with magnificent energy. We share with each other, without limitation, healing to Mother Earth as well as ourselves.
We are also in the process of publishing our amazing book. 

Navigating Home
Blessings of Peace, Light, and Love to you all !!!

“As we begin our journey, we call in the ancestors and offer gratitude.

We bless this waka of love as the peaceful nations did for 2500 years, honoring the ones that have come before us and lived in peace. We honor this circle of twelve that will once again journey together” -Shelley Darling

Greetings, Sacred Evolutionary Dowsing Consortium and Friends,

The SED Consortium Field Advisors are excited to extend an invitation for you to join us as we embark on a new cycle for a 12-week Radical Earth-Heart Resonance © experienceGuided to open the gateway, we are coming together to support the recovery of our beloved Mother Earth, creating balance and harmony in our homes and land for all her relations. This 12-week cycle will include and work with aspects of the upcoming SED Consortium’s book and our emerging earth-energy framework!

As a collective of twelve dowsers, planetary healers, and alchemists, we are called together in full transparency to share our intuitive skills and resources. In joy and a safe space, the SED Consortium continues to flourish as an ever-evolving new paradigm template through practical and experiential learning, uplifting each other in our highest expression. Focusing on restoring resonance to current land and water projects allows for exponential healing and transformation for people and their homes, animals, and the environment.

 Legacy of the Sacred Evolutionary Dowsing Consortium

On January 5, 2015, under the influence of a luminous full moon, “Navigator,” Shelley Darling, following her guidance, called a group of Dowsers, Planetary Healers, Earth Stewards, and Alchemists together to take part in a Sacred Circle of Twelve based on an ancient, and evolutionary, “12 around 1” whole systems model. The renowned 20th-century inventor and visionary Buckminster Fuller spoke about this model. Our shared intention collectively weaves and harvests our wisdom, knowing that we are greater than the sum of our parts. Emerged was the creation of a template for others to experience the power of group resonance and its remarkable impact on the people and landscapes. 

We invite you to come full circle with us for an extraordinary journey focused on the heart, home, and land while serving the highest potential for all Earth’s inhabitants.

When will the next 12-around-1 circle begin?

We enter the “waka” on the full moon energy on January 23. 2024.

Join us for an introductory meeting at 2 pm PST/5 pm EST/ 10 pm UK/ 9 am AEDT AU (next day, 24th)

Meet our Field Advisors, ask questions, and dive deeper into the joyful intention of working as a group.

For those who are ready, grab your paddles as we set sail on January 30th! (same times-31st Au)

If you are a Dowser, Planetary Healer, Earth Steward, or Alchemist and have been sailing solo, consider sharing your heart, wisdom, and gifts with this sacred opportunity. New at dowsing? It’s okay. Please email us directly to request an Evolutionary Dowsing interview session.





REGISTER HERE: Donations are payable through Zelle (, Venmo (415-516-3555/darlingdowser), or click here for PayPal




Joy of Group Heart Resonance

“I jumped into the SED Consortium with full force!

Initially, I felt intimidated because it was so new, and everybody else seemed to have so much knowledge. It’s been a fabulous, welcoming experience. The open-heartedness and the willingness of each of us to be vulnerable have been encouraging and empowering. I am more aware of everything I do with the land and in my daily routine. I’m letting go of the fear, trusting my intuition, and receiving the rod’s messages. The group experience grows exponentially with like-minded, kind-hearted people working towards the same goal. I love that we are helping Mother Earth, Gaia, return to wholeness. I am so thankful to be here.” -Kathy Waldman, Kentucky

 It’s a wonderful experience!

I have been in the water resource protection field for many years and hands-on trying to make significant changes locally and regionally. I came to the SED Consortium and immediately felt very connected to everyone. The projects I’ve been working on with your love and support are coming to fruition. I love all of you.”

-JoAnne Burdin, Massachusetts

I’m just happy to be here.

I’ve only been in the SED Consortium for a short time, and I received so much from this group that I want to continue. As a beginner, I am amazed. Wisdom gets downloaded and shared when we are all in that Heart Resonance flow. I learn so much from everyone sharing! I’m so happy to be here.

-Teresa “Grace” Greb, Kentucky

“In the future, I see everyone using Dowsing to navigate life.

The SED Consortium members are needed as teachers and examples of ethical dowsing practitioners. Dowsing is a part of all of us and is available to everyone. All we need is awareness, trust, respect, and optimism. I see the Consortium as instrumental in this global movement.”

-Marilyn Anderson, Florida

We look forward to gathering in deep respect and honor of each other, Mother Earth, and all her relations as we listen to the Field for what is emergent.

In gratitude,

The SED Consortium Co-Authors-Field Advisors

Shelley, Charlie, Deborah, Najma, and Tyhson

Shelley Darling

Whole-System Healing for Heart, Home, and Humanity

Evolutionary Dowsing & Feng Shui Design

Individual & Group Mentoring

Author: “Songline of the Heart”:

A Navigators Guide to Resurrecting Your Heart, Home, and Habitat

Upcoming Book: Navigating Home:

Restoring Wholeness through Radical Earth-Heart Resonance©

Co-Authors: Sacred Evolutionary Dowsing Consortium

Founder:  Evolutionary Dowsing

Connect: FacebookTwitterLinkedIn



Grace In Action


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Live talk on Humanity Healing 1.14.24

Grace in Action

Habit of the Heart

Blessings to each of you as we move into newness.

Each of us is being challenged by many different energies that are strange in many ways.
These are not to be feared as they allow us to look within ourselves and listen to our hearts.

Looking back, 7 Years ago, I wrote this Anagram of the word Gratitude…

I could not see where we would be at this moment in our lives. Yet here we are with questions rising all around us as to what is true or false.

Today, our ability to trust our information media and leaders has become more efficient at fueling fear and shattering trust within ourselves.

As each of us seeks to find a balance between the negative and positive energies within our consciousness, we have been taught how to judge everything in ways that bring about anger or hopelessness.

Grace is what we have to offer ourselves; it is an act of Gratitude.

Every day that I arise in my life now, when I open my eyes, I look to see where I am, and I express my Gratitude, my thankfulness for being here in this physical presence on this planet Earth, and I feel Grace.

Each moment in time – to be of good Grace – grateful

Grace is to be honored by the presence it thrills the soul – it excites the source of unconditional love, which is who we truly are

Each moment in time
is an avenue in eternity
whereupon we stroll hand in hand
until we join heart-to-heart
then, in Our Oneness
we radiate through all dimensions

Prayer For Grace
Beloved source of all blessings
allow us to honor you today
let our eyes and ears be open
let our minds be open
and let our hearts be open
let us recognize our total abundance
as beautiful souls, we are
joyously embracing
the full presence of Grace
in our lives and the lives of others

Charlie Riverman Bergeron 1.14.24




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Thank you Great Creator for your Gracious Presence.

May you for always hear us
in the moments of our despair.

Today We come to ask
for the restoration of our magnificence
both individually and collectively
as We move forward on our evolutionary path.

Each one of us are questioning everything
seeking wise guidance and the proper tools
that will assist us in following your guidance
Let it be We who bring restoration
to a new level of meaningfulness
wherein Peace, Light and Love
flow in a better balance and harmony

May it be the co-creative restorative process
that inspires others into seeking
moments of positive action for all life forms
whether We understand them as living or not.

Let Restoration begin within our own living presence
opening the passageways for Inner Joy
to become manifest
and offered with Love to All.

May We Lead from within our hearts
to help renew all of our commitments
with the re-balancing of all that has become unstable
both within and around us globally

As the restoration process removes
the distortion and scarring of centuries
within ourselves
Let us also reach out to all children as leaders

Showing them how restoration
is more than just a healing of our present wounds
it is also an awakening to what is needed in their future.

So Together Today
We Ask for renewal and strength within ourselves
We Ask for a better understanding of the qualities of leadership –
both ours and others
We ask for encouragement and inspiration for
all future generations.

In order that we correct the errors and heal the wounds of the past
Renewing our commitment to live in a more Unified Future of Humanity.

Charlie Riverman Bergeron 2.4.21


The Power To Change


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The Power To Change

Invoking change is a natural part of being alive here on Mother Earth.

Earth is where our physical expression is anchored in a world where we co-create with all existing life.

Our failure has been putting greed and manipulation over peace for thousands of years.

When we look at the history of slavery, it is an ancient practice that all of our ancestors endured. Many of their civilizations no longer exist except as remnants only written about.

Today, we are working to free ourselves from the thousands of years in which our ancestors entered into a slavery system based on wealth and a lack of proper awareness.

However, even though we have lost our trust in the leaders and ourselves, we are now being guided to new thought patterns by our higher self. Our multidimensional consciousness is being reconnected and cannot be destroyed from this dimension again.

There is only One Humanity, individually and collectively.

Let us assist future generations to trust themselves as individuals and in unity.

Remind them that love over fear is their true self

Embracing light over darkness is powerful

Invoking harmonic change is a natural part of being here

To allow peace to reign over manipulation

Charlie Riverman Bergeron 11.30.23